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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday Part 6

Time for another riveting Six Sentence! *g*

Gerard wanted to freeze this moment, remember it always. The way her pink belly shirt exposed her navel, how her nipples puckered- presenting itself like a jewel to his waiting mouth. He licked his lips, wishing he could do more than touch her hair.

“Would you like to learn?” Betty asked, her sultry voice made him tremble.
He nodded, not knowing why he wanted to, only knowing he needed to...

And the rest I'll leave to your fevered imaginations, my little chou's! Till next week! ;)


  1. Very hot scene!

    One thing I noticed-- agreement-- "nipples puckered- presenting itself"

    presenting "themselves"

    Or take the original, and make nipple singular.

    The only reason I noticed is because I'm often guilty of the same ;-)

  2. And, I LOVE the name of your blog! :-)

  3. *snort* duh! Should have caught that. Thanks for pointing it out! :D

    Yeah, I'm an Anchorman fan. ;)

  4. Hah! Such a tease...way to make us long for more!
