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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Six Sentence Saturday?

Happy Weekend all, hope it's as great as mine. Though I doubt too many of you can touch mine, Hawaii and all... Kind of an unfair advantage. ;) Anyway, you might notice I'm updating my six sentences today rather than Sunday, I have a perfectly good reason. You see tomorrow I'm going to try and catch a HOP with my boys (that's a military flight for you civilians *g*) and heading back to the mainland for 2 weeks to hang with family. So if all goes as planned I won't be here tomorrow to update. Ergo... Six Sentence Saturday has been invented. *VBG*

So without further ado:

“Betty Hart, I’m sorry.” Gerard whispered and she smiled, snuggling in deeper. “You shouldn’t know me. I’m no good. Don’t fall in love with me, Cherie. Guard your heart, because the moment I’m free, I’ll leave you. I always do.”



  1. Go,Lin!! And those six just made me catch my breath. Yay for you headed to the mainland. Stay safe and have fun.

  2. Oh, man, what a warning. I like the tension that warning creates...makes me want to know more! And yes, you definitely have an unfair advantage on the scenery. I've never been to Hawaii, but I've heard once you go, you never want to leave!

  3. Wow! He's an honest cad? Nah...I don't think so. I think there is some tragedy he can't stop from happening that has forced him to remain free (and lonely). Is Betty Hart the woman to change all of that?

    Great six! win ;-)
