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Monday, June 4, 2012

Unbeliveably bored

So today, I'm sooooo bored. There's a great many things I should be doing and I've done none of them. I'm getting antsy because there's a million places I should be hearing back from soon ( and yeah, I'm full of nervous anxiety and just want to hear something. Of the good variety specifically! :D

We didn't make the flight, obviously I'm here typing instead of playing with my niece and nephews and that was annoying. Next time I'll know, be absolutely packed a full week in advance. I'm used to flying traditional airlines, where if they don't fly out on time it's because they've bumped the flight back. The military thinks it's fun to jump forward with no word of warning. So when I went to the airline to ask why the flight was no longer on their Sunday flight plan, it was because the flight was getting ready to take off in less than an hour! Needless to say, 2 small kids, lots of packing still to do. Yeah... maybe next year. Sigh...

So today my hubs got his associate's degree from the college of the Air Force. My not going home did at least afford me the ability to watch him walk across the stage. Which in hindsight was a good thing, we had no idea this ceremony was even slated to take place today until last week. I would have hated to miss it.

I've got less than 10k left to complete Gerard's Beauty and I should be done with it *fingers crossed* by next week. Unfortunately if my writing goes the way it did today (5 words exactly) it might actually take another year. :(

So yeah, need some good news. Something to invigorate me and get me motivated again! Do you hear me universe!! A million dollars, a book contract, the return of my abandoned muse... I'm not picky!

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