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Monday, April 2, 2012 there anybody out there?

If anyone tries to tell you that writing is not filled with all sorts of pitfalls and paranoia, they're either lying or they've tapped into the urban myth called zen. I'm freaking out here...

Seems like I've been waiting to hear something back from agents forever. And yes, I know...that's what they do. They take their time. And in no way would I want them to rush through reads because I'd hate to think they rushed through mine. BUT...this wait is killing me. I can't even write. Every time I sit down to put something on paper I'm all sorts of like..well, maybe I should just refresh my inbox and see...nope, okay...let's write. 10 words later...maybe I should just hit refresh and see....nope, okay let's nauseum...

I'm such a mess it's not even funny. Well, I guess it's kind of funny.

Actually it's pathetic is what it is. And how cool would it be if I did get agented and could tell my agent...I've even got book 2 done now. Yep, that would be awesome!

So back to writing....

after I hit refresh one last time.


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